Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/ Construction notes from the Ten Thousand Worlds, a game that lets you and your friends exercise your creativity and imagination as you work together to experience stories in the great tradition of heroic fiction -stories that you create yourselves. Images in this feed are distributed in PNG format, under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) Unported License. http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification/ en-us Released under the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) by Rodolfo Arredondo, 2025 tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sun, 29 Aug 2021 00:00:00 -0500 Sun, 29 Aug 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/_common/img/rss.gif Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/ The Enchanter - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2017/48/ A ghostly, glowing greatsword suspended in midair before the waving, weaving arms of a figure in whirling indigo robes.

A ghostly, glowing greatsword suspended in midair before the waving, weaving arms of a figure in whirling indigo robes.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Dec 2017 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2017/48/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Sea King - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/01/ Two overlapping pencil sketches of a bearded, long-haired man swimming while holding a trident. He wears armor on his right arm, right shoulder, and left hand. Triangular dorsal fins appear behind each calf.

Two overlapping pencil sketches of a bearded, long-haired man swimming while holding a trident. He wears armor on his right arm, right shoulder, and left hand. Triangular dorsal fins appear behind each calf.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 06 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/01/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Sea King - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/02/ An ink outline of a bearded, long-haired man swimming while holding a trident. He wears armor on his right arm, right shoulder, and left hand. Triangular dorsal fins appear behind each calf.

An ink outline of a bearded, long-haired man swimming while holding a trident. He wears armor on his right arm, right shoulder, and left hand. Triangular dorsal fins appear behind each calf.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 13 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/02/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Sea King - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/03/ A blond-bearded, long-haired man swimming while holding a golden trident. He wears grey armor on his right arm, right shoulder, and gold armor on his left hand. Triangular dorsal fins appear behind each calf from his green and grey scaled leggings.

A blond-bearded, long-haired man swimming while holding a golden trident. He wears grey armor on his right arm, right shoulder, and gold armor on his left hand. Triangular dorsal fins appear behind each calf from his green and grey scaled leggings.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 20 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/03/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Little Automaton - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/04/ A pencil sketch of a little clockwork man, complete with bowler hat and curled mustache, who sits on the floor amid gears and tools, working on his detached left arm, which he cradles in his lap. Above him, a human sleeps on a cot. Beneath the cot, amid the human’s socks and shoes, a little dog peaks out at the automaton.

A pencil sketch of a little clockwork man, complete with bowler hat and curled mustache, who sits on the floor amid gears and tools, working on his detached left arm, which he cradles in his lap. Above him, a human sleeps on a cot. Beneath the cot, amid the human’s socks and shoes, a little dog peaks out at the automaton.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 27 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/04/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Archer - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/05/ Two overlapping pencil sketches of an archer. In one, the figure is in a full cloak, with one arm free, holding a bow. In another, the figure is on one knee, pulling back a bow.

Two overlapping pencil sketches of an archer. In one, the figure is in a full cloak, with one arm free, holding a bow. In another, the figure is on one knee, pulling back a bow.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 03 Feb 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/05/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Archer - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/06/ An ink drawing of an almost fully-cloaked figure, with one arm free, holding a bow.

An ink drawing of an almost fully-cloaked figure, with one arm free, holding a bow.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 10 Feb 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/06/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Archer - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/07/ A figure in green, almost fully-cloaked, with one arm free, holding a bow. The cloak is embroidered in leaf and vine designs. What little we see of the archer’s skin is an inhuman, frosty white.

A figure in green, almost fully-cloaked, with one arm free, holding a bow. The cloak is embroidered in leaf and vine designs. What little we see of the archer’s skin is an inhuman, frosty white.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 17 Feb 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/07/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Airship Mechanic - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/08/ A pencil sketch of a woman in coveralls, a vest, lace-up boots, leather cap and goggles, leaping into the air from some sort of ship’s rigging, her braids flying behind her.

A pencil sketch of a woman in coveralls, a vest, lace-up boots, leather cap and goggles, leaping into the air from some sort of ship’s rigging, her braids flying behind her.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 24 Feb 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/08/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
They Call Her a Menace - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/09/ A pencil sketch of a strong, athletic young woman landing from a jump, on one foot; She wears heavy boots, military-style pants with padded knees, a shirt wrapped around her waist, an athletic t-shirt, and biker gloves; She sports a Mohawk that curls in the front, multiple earrings, and a German eagle shoulder tattoo.

A pencil sketch of a strong, athletic young woman landing from a jump, on one foot; She wears heavy boots, military-style pants with padded knees, a shirt wrapped around her waist, an athletic t-shirt, and biker gloves; She sports a Mohawk that curls in the front, multiple earrings, and a German eagle shoulder tattoo.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 03 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/09/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
They Call Her a Menace - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/10/ An ink outline of a strong, athletic young woman landing from a jump, on one foot; She wears heavy boots, military-style pants with padded knees, a shirt wrapped around her waist, an athletic t-shirt, and biker gloves; She sports a Mohawk that curls in the front, multiple earrings, and a German eagle shoulder tattoo.

An ink outline of a strong, athletic young woman landing from a jump, on one foot; She wears heavy boots, military-style pants with padded knees, a shirt wrapped around her waist, an athletic t-shirt, and biker gloves; She sports a Mohawk that curls in the front, multiple earrings, and a German eagle shoulder tattoo.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 10 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/10/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
They Call Her a Menace - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/11/ A strong, athletic young woman landing from a jump, on one foot; She wears heavy tan boots, dark blue military-style pants with padded knees, a brick-red shirt wrapped around her waist, a white athletic t-shirt, and biker gloves; She sports a blond Mohawk that curls in the front, multiple earrings, and a German eagle shoulder tattoo.

A strong, athletic young woman landing from a jump, on one foot; She wears heavy tan boots, dark blue military-style pants with padded knees, a brick-red shirt wrapped around her waist, a white athletic t-shirt, and biker gloves; She sports a blond Mohawk that curls in the front, multiple earrings, and a German eagle shoulder tattoo.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 17 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/11/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Airship Captain - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/12/ A pencil sketch of a man standing at a railing, tipping a hat. Experiments in hand positions, eye expressions, and hats float about the drawing.

A pencil sketch of a man standing at a railing, tipping a hat. Experiments in hand positions, eye expressions, and hats float about the drawing.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 24 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/12/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Human Farmer - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/13/ A pencil sketch of a solidly-built farm woman in a neckerchief, multilayered dress, apron, and poorly-repaired boots, hauling two wooden buckets.

A pencil sketch of a solidly-built farm woman in a neckerchief, multilayered dress, apron, and poorly-repaired boots, hauling two wooden buckets.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 31 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/13/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Human Farmer - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/14/ An ink outline of a solidly-built farm woman in a neckerchief, multilayered dress, apron, and poorly-repaired boots, hauling two wooden buckets.

An ink outline of a solidly-built farm woman in a neckerchief, multilayered dress, apron, and poorly-repaired boots, hauling two wooden buckets.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 07 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/14/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Human Farmer - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/15/ A solidly-built farm woman with cinnamon skin and dark curls, in a yellow neckerchief, multilayered blue and yellow dress, faded red apron, and poorly-repaired tan boots, hauling two wooden buckets.

A solidly-built farm woman with cinnamon skin and dark curls, in a yellow neckerchief, multilayered blue and yellow dress, faded red apron, and poorly-repaired tan boots, hauling two wooden buckets.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 14 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/15/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Chimera - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/16/ A pencil sketch of a human-tiger centaur-like chimera. The human part sports a “mohawk” hair-style, and tiger stripes appear along her exposed scalp and jawline. She holds a sword and a round shield in her human arms.

A pencil sketch of a human-tiger centaur-like chimera. The human part sports a “mohawk” hair-style, and tiger stripes appear along her exposed scalp and jawline. She holds a sword and a round shield in her human arms.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 21 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/16/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Human Farmer - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/17/ A pencil sketch of a broad-shouldered human in a tunic, vest, and boots, holding a pitchfork in one hand and a tree sapling in the other.

A pencil sketch of a broad-shouldered human in a tunic, vest, and boots, holding a pitchfork in one hand and a tree sapling in the other.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 28 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/17/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Human Farmer - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/18/ An ink outline of a broad-shouldered human in a tunic, vest, and boots, holding a shovel in one hand and a tree sapling in the other. A stripe pattern covers the outer panels of his trousers and right shoulder of his vest; The left shoulder has a diamond pattern.

An ink outline of a broad-shouldered human in a tunic, vest, and boots, holding a shovel in one hand and a tree sapling in the other. A stripe pattern covers the outer panels of his trousers and right shoulder of his vest; The left shoulder has a diamond pattern.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 05 May 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/18/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Human Farmer - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/19/ A broad-shouldered red-haired human in a tan tunic, brown vest, and brown boots, holding a shovel in one hand and a tree sapling in the other. A stripe pattern covers the outer panels of his trousers and right shoulder of his vest; The left shoulder has a black-and-white diamond pattern.

A broad-shouldered red-haired human in a tan tunic, brown vest, and brown boots, holding a shovel in one hand and a tree sapling in the other. A stripe pattern covers the outer panels of his trousers and right shoulder of his vest; The left shoulder has a black-and-white diamond pattern.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 12 May 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/19/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin War Engine - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/20/ A pencil sketch of an eight-legged tank-like machine that shares the features of spiders and crabs, with signs of a rough bubble texture along some of its limbs.

A pencil sketch of an eight-legged tank-like machine that shares the features of spiders and crabs, with signs of a rough bubble texture along some of its limbs.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 19 May 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/20/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Swordswoman - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/21/ A pencil sketch of a woman wielding a katana-like sword in one hand while using its sheath to parry with the other. She wears a leather coat, leather bracers, and tall boots with multiple buckles. Her short hair waves about wildly.

A pencil sketch of a woman wielding a katana-like sword in one hand while using its sheath to parry with the other. She wears a leather coat, leather bracers, and tall boots with multiple buckles. Her short hair waves about wildly.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 26 May 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/21/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Swordswoman - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/22/ An ink outline of a woman wielding a katana-like sword in one hand while using its sheath to parry with the other. She wears a long leather coat, leather bracers, overlapping belts, and tall boots with multiple buckles. Her short hair waves about wildly.

An ink outline of a woman wielding a katana-like sword in one hand while using its sheath to parry with the other. She wears a long leather coat, leather bracers, overlapping belts, and tall boots with multiple buckles. Her short hair waves about wildly.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/22/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Swordswoman - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/23/ A woman wielding a katana-like sword in one hand while using its sheath to parry with the other. She wears a long blue leather coat with silver snaps, metal and leather bracers, overlapping belts, tall blue boots with multiple silver buckles, and trousers with green and white panels separated by a maroon heraldic scallop pattern. Her short honey-brown hair waves about wildly.

A woman wielding a katana-like sword in one hand while using its sheath to parry with the other. She wears a long blue leather coat with silver snaps, metal and leather bracers, overlapping belts, tall blue boots with multiple silver buckles, and trousers with green and white panels separated by a maroon heraldic scallop pattern. Her short honey-brown hair waves about wildly.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/23/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Voodoo Child - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/24/ A pencil sketch of a woman in a denim jacket and jeans with large hoop earrings, and a guitar slug across her back. Her hair is arranged in corn-rows across much of her head, but then blossoms into an afro towards the back.

A pencil sketch of a woman in a denim jacket and jeans with large hoop earrings, and a guitar slug across her back. Her hair is arranged in corn-rows across much of her head, but then blossoms into an afro towards the back.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/24/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Korobokuru Scholar - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/25/ A pencil sketch of an older, bearded, human-like person sitting cross-legged at a low writing bench, holding a long quill in his right hand. He wears a conical hat with an upturned brim, a long coat that spreads out behind him, a vest with ornate closures, and pectoral set with semi-precious stones.

A pencil sketch of an older, bearded, human-like person sitting cross-legged at a low writing bench, holding a long quill in his right hand. He wears a conical hat with an upturned brim, a long coat that spreads out behind him, a vest with ornate closures, and pectoral set with semi-precious stones.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/25/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Korobokuru Scholar - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/26/ An ink outline of an older, bearded, human-like person sitting cross-legged at a low writing bench, holding a long quill in his right hand. He wears a conical hat with an upturned brim, a long coat that spreads out behind him, a vest with ornate closures, and pectoral set with semi-precious stones.

An ink outline of an older, bearded, human-like person sitting cross-legged at a low writing bench, holding a long quill in his right hand. He wears a conical hat with an upturned brim, a long coat that spreads out behind him, a vest with ornate closures, and pectoral set with semi-precious stones.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 30 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/26/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Korobokuru Scholar - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/27/ An older, white-bearded, human-like person with bark-brown skin and copper-brown eyes, sitting cross-legged at a low honey-hued wooden writing bench, holding a long quill in his right hand. He wears a tan conical hat with an upturned brim, a long tan and white coat with silver epaulets that spreads out behind him, a vest with ornate blue closures, and silver pectoral set with semi-precious blue stones.

An older, white-bearded, human-like person with bark-brown skin and copper-brown eyes, sitting cross-legged at a low honey-hued wooden writing bench, holding a long quill in his right hand. He wears a tan conical hat with an upturned brim, a long tan and white coat with silver epaulets that spreads out behind him, a vest with ornate blue closures, and silver pectoral set with semi-precious blue stones.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 07 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/27/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Korobokuru Clothes - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/28/ A pencil sketch of five articles of clothing with strong geometric lines: A metal mask with a beard of chain-mail. A conical hat with a upturned brim and an attached back veil. A boot with a pointed, upturned toe. A pleated vest with pointed ends and pointed shoulders. A pectoral set with semi-precious stones.

A pencil sketch of five articles of clothing with strong geometric lines: A metal mask with a beard of chain-mail. A conical hat with a upturned brim and an attached back veil. A boot with a pointed, upturned toe. A pleated vest with pointed ends and pointed shoulders. A pectoral set with semi-precious stones.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 14 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/28/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Korobokuru Warrior - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/29/ A pencil sketch of a woman-like being in a long sleeveless coat, hood, veil, baggy sleeves and trousers, sporting boots with upturned, pointed toes. She wears an ornamental pectoral and a badge on her left shoulder, both made from semi-precious stones. She strikes a martial arts stance.

A pencil sketch of a woman-like being in a long sleeveless coat, hood, veil, baggy sleeves and trousers, sporting boots with upturned, pointed toes. She wears an ornamental pectoral and a badge on her left shoulder, both made from semi-precious stones. She strikes a martial arts stance.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 21 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/29/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Korobokuru Warrior - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/30/ An ink outline of a woman-like being in a long sleeveless coat, hood, veil, baggy sleeves and trousers, sporting boots with upturned, pointed toes. She wears an ornamental pectoral and a badge on her left shoulder, both made from semi-precious stones. She strikes a martial arts stance.

An ink outline of a woman-like being in a long sleeveless coat, hood, veil, baggy sleeves and trousers, sporting boots with upturned, pointed toes. She wears an ornamental pectoral and a badge on her left shoulder, both made from semi-precious stones. She strikes a martial arts stance.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 28 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/30/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Korobokuru Warrior - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/31/ A woman-like being in a long brown sleeveless coat, white hood, tan veil, baggy sleeves and white trousers, sporting brown boots with upturned, pointed toes. She wears an ornamental pectoral and a badge on her left shoulder, both made from multi-colored semi-precious stones. She strikes a martial arts stance.

A woman-like being in a long brown sleeveless coat, white hood, tan veil, baggy sleeves and white trousers, sporting brown boots with upturned, pointed toes. She wears an ornamental pectoral and a badge on her left shoulder, both made from multi-colored semi-precious stones. She strikes a martial arts stance.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 04 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/31/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Cruel Sara - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/32/ A pencil sketch of a woman dressed in romantic, traditionally male-inspired clothing: riding boots, trousers, a heavily-embroidered waistcoat, plus a frock coat with puffy shoulders and traditionally feminine details. Her left index finger is sheathed in a metal claw. Light projects from her synthetic eyes to form the hologram of a bird in flight. Nearby, a close-up of her right eye highlights its mechanical details.

A pencil sketch of a woman dressed in romantic, traditionally male-inspired clothing: riding boots, trousers, a heavily-embroidered waistcoat, plus a frock coat with puffy shoulders and traditionally feminine details. Her left index finger is sheathed in a metal claw. Light projects from her synthetic eyes to form the hologram of a bird in flight. Nearby, a close-up of her right eye highlights its mechanical details.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 11 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/32/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Elder - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/33/ A pair of overlapping pencil sketches of a furry, humanoid being leaning on a gnarled staff. In one, the face has an almost feline muzzle; In an other, the face goes more simian. Experiments with armored plates, tails, hooves versus paws, and numbers of fingers are found throughout the sketches.

A pair of overlapping pencil sketches of a furry, humanoid being leaning on a gnarled staff. In one, the face has an almost feline muzzle; In an other, the face goes more simian. Experiments with armored plates, tails, hooves versus paws, and numbers of fingers are found throughout the sketches.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 18 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/33/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Elder - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/34/ An ink outline of a furry humanoid being standing on cloven hooves and leaning on a gnarled staff, with three fingers and two thumbs on each hand, a heavy chest, bowed back, and an almost feline face. Armored plates protect the head, upper back, and shoulders.

An ink outline of a furry humanoid being standing on cloven hooves and leaning on a gnarled staff, with three fingers and two thumbs on each hand, a heavy chest, bowed back, and an almost feline face. Armored plates protect the head, upper back, and shoulders.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 25 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/34/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Elder - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/35/ A furry, mossy-green humanoid being standing on pale brown cloven hooves and leaning on a gnarled wooden staff, with three fingers and two thumbs on each hand, a heavy chest, bowed back, and an almost feline face. Sandy-colored armored plates protect the head, upper back, and shoulders. Electric green facial markings highlight solid cobalt-blue eyes.

A furry, mossy-green humanoid being standing on pale brown cloven hooves and leaning on a gnarled wooden staff, with three fingers and two thumbs on each hand, a heavy chest, bowed back, and an almost feline face. Sandy-colored armored plates protect the head, upper back, and shoulders. Electric green facial markings highlight solid cobalt-blue eyes.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 01 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/35/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Couatl - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/36/ A pencil sketch of the head of a dragon, with back-swept curved horns, frills, feathers, and a forked tongue.

A pencil sketch of the head of a dragon, with back-swept curved horns, frills, feathers, and a forked tongue.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 08 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/36/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Warrior - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/37/ A pencil sketch of a squat, upright creature whose fur, twin eye-stalks, and pivoting spade-shaped ears poke out from between the plates of a crab-like suit of armor with a bubble texture. It carries a shield carved to resemble a screaming face, and bears multiple swords, a knife, and a pistol made from the same material as the armor.

A pencil sketch of a squat, upright creature whose fur, twin eye-stalks, and pivoting spade-shaped ears poke out from between the plates of a crab-like suit of armor with a bubble texture. It carries a shield carved to resemble a screaming face, and bears multiple swords, a knife, and a pistol made from the same material as the armor.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 15 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/37/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Warrior - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/38/ An ink outline of a squat, upright creature whose fur, twin eye-stalks, and pivoting spade-shaped ears poke out from between the plates of a crab-like suit of armor with a bubble texture. It carries a shield carved to resemble a screaming face, a boot-knife, and a pistol made from the same material as the armor.

An ink outline of a squat, upright creature whose fur, twin eye-stalks, and pivoting spade-shaped ears poke out from between the plates of a crab-like suit of armor with a bubble texture. It carries a shield carved to resemble a screaming face, a boot-knife, and a pistol made from the same material as the armor.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 22 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/38/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Warrior - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/39/ A squat, upright creature whose tan fur, twin eye-stalks, and pivoting spade-shaped ears poke out from between the plates of a blue-black crab-like suit of armor with a bubble texture. It carries a shield carved to resemble a screaming face, a boot-knife, and a pistol made from the same material as the armor.

A squat, upright creature whose tan fur, twin eye-stalks, and pivoting spade-shaped ears poke out from between the plates of a blue-black crab-like suit of armor with a bubble texture. It carries a shield carved to resemble a screaming face, a boot-knife, and a pistol made from the same material as the armor.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 29 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/39/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Charioteer - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/40/ A pencil sketch of a collection of everyday objects wreathed in wisps of arcane power, whirling through the air to form a roughly human shape: bits of a broken barrel for shoulders and hips; a horseshoe, thimbles, and tools for a left hand; a spiked mace and chain for a right hand; a broken broom and wooden spoon for a right leg; a vase and broken rake for a left leg; an anvil and a stool for a torso; a dented helmet for a head; and everything from mugs to balls to nails completing the shape.

A pencil sketch of a collection of everyday objects wreathed in wisps of arcane power, whirling through the air to form a roughly human shape: bits of a broken barrel for shoulders and hips; a horseshoe, thimbles, and tools for a left hand; a spiked mace and chain for a right hand; a broken broom and wooden spoon for a right leg; a vase and broken rake for a left leg; an anvil and a stool for a torso; a dented helmet for a head; and everything from mugs to balls to nails completing the shape.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 06 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/40/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Charioteer - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/41/ A ink outline of a collection of everyday objects wreathed in wisps of arcane power, whirling through the air to form a roughly human shape: bits of a broken barrel for shoulders and hips; a horseshoe, thimbles, and tools for a left hand; a spiked mace and chain for a right hand; a broken broom and wooden spoon for a right leg; a vase and broken rake for a left leg; an anvil and a stool for a torso; a dented helmet for a head; and everything from mugs to balls to nails completing the shape.

A ink outline of a collection of everyday objects wreathed in wisps of arcane power, whirling through the air to form a roughly human shape: bits of a broken barrel for shoulders and hips; a horseshoe, thimbles, and tools for a left hand; a spiked mace and chain for a right hand; a broken broom and wooden spoon for a right leg; a vase and broken rake for a left leg; an anvil and a stool for a torso; a dented helmet for a head; and everything from mugs to balls to nails completing the shape.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 13 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/41/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Charioteer - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/42/ A collection of everyday objects wreathed in wisps of arcane power, whirling through the air to form a roughly human shape: bits of a broken barrel for shoulders and hips; a horseshoe, thimbles, and tools for a left hand; a spiked mace and chain for a right hand; a broken broom and wooden spoon for a right leg; a vase and broken rake for a left leg; an anvil and a stool for a torso; a dented helmet for a head; and everything from mugs to balls to nails completing the shape.

A collection of everyday objects wreathed in wisps of arcane power, whirling through the air to form a roughly human shape: bits of a broken barrel for shoulders and hips; a horseshoe, thimbles, and tools for a left hand; a spiked mace and chain for a right hand; a broken broom and wooden spoon for a right leg; a vase and broken rake for a left leg; an anvil and a stool for a torso; a dented helmet for a head; and everything from mugs to balls to nails completing the shape.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 20 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/42/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Marksman - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/43/ A pencil sketch of a fuzzy, ape-like creature in a knuckle-walking stance, with a leonine face, large pointed ears, and a long whip-like tail that splits into two puffs of fur. The creature wears an ear ring, shoulder armor, left forearm cuff, and holds and exotic pistol.

A pencil sketch of a fuzzy, ape-like creature in a knuckle-walking stance, with a leonine face, large pointed ears, and a long whip-like tail that splits into two puffs of fur. The creature wears an ear ring, shoulder armor, left forearm cuff, and holds and exotic pistol.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 27 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/43/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Marksman - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/44/ An ink outline of an upright furry creature resembling some sort of fox or hyena with a row of spikes across the top of its head. It wears an ear ring, armor on the right shoulder, a bracelet, and a right shin guard —all of which seem to be made out of bubbles with the occasional face coming through. The creature points a wide-barreled gun, constructed in a similar manner, which resembles a cross between a warthog and a spiny fish.

An ink outline of an upright furry creature resembling some sort of fox or hyena with a row of spikes across the top of its head. It wears an ear ring, armor on the right shoulder, a bracelet, and a right shin guard —all of which seem to be made out of bubbles with the occasional face coming through. The creature points a wide-barreled gun, constructed in a similar manner, which resembles a cross between a warthog and a spiny fish.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 03 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/44/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Marksman - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/45/ An upright creature in brown fur resembling some sort of fox or hyena with a row of ivory spikes across the top of its head, cobalt-blue eyes, and sharp ivory teeth and claws. It wears an ear ring, armor on the right shoulder, a bracelet, and a right shin guard —all of which seem to be made out of blue-black bubbles with the occasional face coming through. The creature points a wide-barreled gun, constructed in a similar manner, which resembles a cross between a warthog and a spiny fish.

An upright creature in brown fur resembling some sort of fox or hyena with a row of ivory spikes across the top of its head, cobalt-blue eyes, and sharp ivory teeth and claws. It wears an ear ring, armor on the right shoulder, a bracelet, and a right shin guard —all of which seem to be made out of blue-black bubbles with the occasional face coming through. The creature points a wide-barreled gun, constructed in a similar manner, which resembles a cross between a warthog and a spiny fish.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 10 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/45/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Caprion the Chimera - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/46/ A pencil sketch of a creature with the upper body and head of a man, ram’s horns, the legs of a goat, and bat-like wings edged in feathers. He grips an elaborate staff.

A pencil sketch of a creature with the upper body and head of a man, ram’s horns, the legs of a goat, and bat-like wings edged in feathers. He grips an elaborate staff.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 17 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/46/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Caprion the Chimera - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/47/ An ink outline of a creature with the upper body and head of a man, ram’s horns, the legs of a goat, and bat-like wings edged in feathers. He grips an elaborate staff.

An ink outline of a creature with the upper body and head of a man, ram’s horns, the legs of a goat, and bat-like wings edged in feathers. He grips an elaborate staff.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 24 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/47/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Caprion the Chimera - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/48/ A creature with the brown upper body and head of a blue-haired man, ram’s horns, the blue-furred legs of a goat, and bat-like wings edged in blue feathers. He grips an elaborate silver staff.

A creature with the brown upper body and head of a blue-haired man, ram’s horns, the blue-furred legs of a goat, and bat-like wings edged in blue feathers. He grips an elaborate silver staff.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 01 Dec 2018 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2018/48/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Sage - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/01/ A pencil sketch of an upright, fuzzy being in robes and tasseled scarves, with an antelope-like head and neck, long lashes, large frilled reptilian ears, backward-curving fore-paws, and six tentacles coming out of its back.

A pencil sketch of an upright, fuzzy being in robes and tasseled scarves, with an antelope-like head and neck, long lashes, large frilled reptilian ears, backward-curving fore-paws, and six tentacles coming out of its back.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 05 Jan 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/01/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Sage - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/02/ An ink outline of an upright, fuzzy being in robes and tasseled scarves, with an antelope-like head and neck, long lashes, large frilled reptilian ears, backward-curving fore-paws, and six tentacles coming out of its back.

An ink outline of an upright, fuzzy being in robes and tasseled scarves, with an antelope-like head and neck, long lashes, large frilled reptilian ears, backward-curving fore-paws, and six tentacles coming out of its back.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 12 Jan 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/02/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Sage - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/03/ An upright, tan and cream fuzzy being in purple and white robes and gold-tasseled scarves, with an antelope-like head and neck, long lashes around cobalt-blue eyes, large frilled reptilian ears, backward-curving fore-paws, and six green tentacles coming out of its back.

An upright, tan and cream fuzzy being in purple and white robes and gold-tasseled scarves, with an antelope-like head and neck, long lashes around cobalt-blue eyes, large frilled reptilian ears, backward-curving fore-paws, and six green tentacles coming out of its back.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 19 Jan 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/03/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Rider - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/04/ A pencil sketch of a creature like a long-furred koala with a bat-like face rides a four-legged insect-shaped machine, holding a rifle in its fore-paws and steering with its hind-paws.

A pencil sketch of a creature like a long-furred koala with a bat-like face rides a four-legged insect-shaped machine, holding a rifle in its fore-paws and steering with its hind-paws.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 26 Jan 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/04/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Rider - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/05/ An ink outline of a creature like a long-furred koala with a bat-like face rides a four-legged insect-shaped machine, holding a rifle in its fore-paws and steering with its hind-paws.

An ink outline of a creature like a long-furred koala with a bat-like face rides a four-legged insect-shaped machine, holding a rifle in its fore-paws and steering with its hind-paws.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Feb 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/05/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Rider - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/06/ A creature like a tan, long-furred koala with a bat-like face rides a blue-black, four-legged insect-shaped machine; holding a blue-black rifle in its fore-paws and steering with its hind-paws.

A creature like a tan, long-furred koala with a bat-like face rides a blue-black, four-legged insect-shaped machine; holding a blue-black rifle in its fore-paws and steering with its hind-paws.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 Feb 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/06/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Spinneret - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/07/ A pencil sketch of a muscular human-like creature with two legs and eight arms, all of which end in three clawed digits. Her beautiful, sculpted face has eight eyes that twist along the height of her tall, conical skull. She is adorned with bracelets, anklets, and rings on her digits and nose. One hand grips a curved sword, and another holds a throwing star, both made from what appear to be stiffened spider webs.

A pencil sketch of a muscular human-like creature with two legs and eight arms, all of which end in three clawed digits. Her beautiful, sculpted face has eight eyes that twist along the height of her tall, conical skull. She is adorned with bracelets, anklets, and rings on her digits and nose. One hand grips a curved sword, and another holds a throwing star, both made from what appear to be stiffened spider webs.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 Feb 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/07/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Spinneret - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/08/ An ink outline of a muscular human-like creature with two legs and eight arms, all of which end in three clawed digits. Her beautiful, sculpted face has eight eyes that twist along the height of her tall, conical skull. She is adorned with bracelets, anklets, and rings on her digits and nose. One hand grips a curved sword, and another holds a throwing star, both made from what appear to be stiffened spider webs.

An ink outline of a muscular human-like creature with two legs and eight arms, all of which end in three clawed digits. Her beautiful, sculpted face has eight eyes that twist along the height of her tall, conical skull. She is adorned with bracelets, anklets, and rings on her digits and nose. One hand grips a curved sword, and another holds a throwing star, both made from what appear to be stiffened spider webs.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 Feb 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/08/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Spinneret - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/09/ A muscular human-like deep-violet creature with two legs and eight arms, all of which end in three clawed digits. Her beautiful, sculpted face has eight emerald-green eyes that twist along the height of her tall, conical skull. She is adorned with rose-gold bracelets, anklets, and rings on her digits and nose. One hand grips a curved sword, and another holds a throwing star, both made from what appear to be silvery stiffened spider webs.

A muscular human-like deep-violet creature with two legs and eight arms, all of which end in three clawed digits. Her beautiful, sculpted face has eight emerald-green eyes that twist along the height of her tall, conical skull. She is adorned with rose-gold bracelets, anklets, and rings on her digits and nose. One hand grips a curved sword, and another holds a throwing star, both made from what appear to be silvery stiffened spider webs.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Mar 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/09/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lyra - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/10/ A pencil sketch of a woman wearing a hooded coat, trousers, gaiters, and a scarf, whirling in combat wielding a pair of battle staves.

A pencil sketch of a woman wearing a hooded coat, trousers, gaiters, and a scarf, whirling in combat wielding a pair of battle staves.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 Mar 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/10/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lyra - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/11/ An ink outline of a woman wearing a hooded coat, trousers, gaiters, and a scarf, whirling in combat wielding a pair of battle staves.

An ink outline of a woman wearing a hooded coat, trousers, gaiters, and a scarf, whirling in combat wielding a pair of battle staves.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 Mar 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/11/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lyra - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/12/ A blond, fair-skinned woman wearing an orange-dyed leather hooded coat, trousers, gaiters, face mask, and a white silk scarf, whirling in combat wielding a pair of silver-tipped battle staves. Behind her are a silver-grey otter, a black bear, and a snowy owl.

A blond, fair-skinned woman wearing an orange-dyed leather hooded coat, trousers, gaiters, face mask, and a white silk scarf, whirling in combat wielding a pair of silver-tipped battle staves. Behind her are a silver-grey otter, a black bear, and a snowy owl.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 Mar 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/12/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Myriad - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/13/ A pencil sketch of a roughly female shape forming from, and rising out of, a pool of viscous liquid.

A pencil sketch of a roughly female shape forming from, and rising out of, a pool of viscous liquid.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 30 Mar 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/13/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Myriad - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/14/ An ink outline of a roughly female shape forming from, and rising out of, a pool of viscous liquid.

An ink outline of a roughly female shape forming from, and rising out of, a pool of viscous liquid.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 06 Apr 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/14/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Myriad - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/15/ A roughly female shape forming from, and rising out of, a pool of viscous dark grey liquid. Glittering motes collect together randomly across of her surface.

A roughly female shape forming from, and rising out of, a pool of viscous dark grey liquid. Glittering motes collect together randomly across of her surface.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 13 Apr 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/15/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Mage - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/16/ A pencil sketch of a human-like being with long flowing hair and pointed ears, wearing clothes decorated in plant motifs, leaping into action.

A pencil sketch of a human-like being with long flowing hair and pointed ears, wearing clothes decorated in plant motifs, leaping into action.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 20 Apr 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/16/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Mage - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/17/ An ink outline of a human-like being with long flowing hair and pointed ears, wearing clothes decorated in plant motifs, leaping into action.

An ink outline of a human-like being with long flowing hair and pointed ears, wearing clothes decorated in plant motifs, leaping into action.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 27 Apr 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/17/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Mage - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/18/ A human-like being with golden skin, long flowing hair, and pointed ears, wearing violet and white clothes decorated in plant motifs, leaping into action while holding a crackling ball of mystic power in one first.

A human-like being with golden skin, long flowing hair, and pointed ears, wearing violet and white clothes decorated in plant motifs, leaping into action while holding a crackling ball of mystic power in one first.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 04 May 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/18/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Musician - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/19/ A pencil sketch. Approached from behind: a human-like being with pointed ears and a hairless head, sitting cross-legged in loose robes, playing a lute-like instrument.

A pencil sketch. Approached from behind: a human-like being with pointed ears and a hairless head, sitting cross-legged in loose robes, playing a lute-like instrument.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 11 May 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/19/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Musician - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/20/ An ink outline. Approached from behind: a human-like being with pointed ears and a hairless head, sitting cross-legged in loose robes, playing a lute-like instrument.

An ink outline. Approached from behind: a human-like being with pointed ears and a hairless head, sitting cross-legged in loose robes, playing a lute-like instrument.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 18 May 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/20/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Musician - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/21/ Approached from behind: a human-like being with pointed ears, a hairless head, and skin the color of new leaves, dusted in a specked pattern across the shoulders, back, and scalp; sitting cross-legged in loose robes; playing a lute-like instrument.

Approached from behind: a human-like being with pointed ears, a hairless head, and skin the color of new leaves, dusted in a specked pattern across the shoulders, back, and scalp; sitting cross-legged in loose robes; playing a lute-like instrument.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 25 May 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/21/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Warrior - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/22/ Multiple overlapping alternate pencil sketches of a charging warrior holding a spear and shield.

Multiple overlapping alternate pencil sketches of a charging warrior holding a spear and shield.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 01 Jun 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/22/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Warrior - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/23/ An ink outline of a charging warrior holding a shield and spear, in a feathered helmet and armor adorned with leaf and vine designs.

An ink outline of a charging warrior holding a shield and spear, in a feathered helmet and armor adorned with leaf and vine designs.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 08 Jun 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/23/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Warrior - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/24/ A charging violet-skinned warrior holding a shield and spear, in a feathered helmet and green armor adorned with leaf and vine designs.

A charging violet-skinned warrior holding a shield and spear, in a feathered helmet and green armor adorned with leaf and vine designs.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 15 Jun 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/24/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Armored Korobokuru Warrior - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/25/ A pencil sketch of a stocky warrior in full armor, a conical helmet, and a pectoral full of semi-precious stones; down on one knee; holding a weapon in both hands that consists of a chain with a club on one end and a weight on the other; preparing to make it spin.

A pencil sketch of a stocky warrior in full armor, a conical helmet, and a pectoral full of semi-precious stones; down on one knee; holding a weapon in both hands that consists of a chain with a club on one end and a weight on the other; preparing to make it spin.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 22 Jun 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/25/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Armored Korobokuru Warrior - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/26/ An ink outline of a stocky warrior in full armor, a conical helmet, and a pectoral full of semi-precious stones; down on one knee; holding a weapon in both hands that consists of a chain with a club on one end and a weight on the other; preparing to make it spin.

An ink outline of a stocky warrior in full armor, a conical helmet, and a pectoral full of semi-precious stones; down on one knee; holding a weapon in both hands that consists of a chain with a club on one end and a weight on the other; preparing to make it spin.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 29 Jun 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/26/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Armored Korobokuru Warrior - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/27/ A stocky warrior in full grey-green armor over brown leather, a conical helmet, and a pectoral full of semi-precious stones in green, blue, and violet; down on one knee; holding a weapon in both hands that consists of a chain with a club on one end and a weight on the other; preparing to make it spin.

A stocky warrior in full grey-green armor over brown leather, a conical helmet, and a pectoral full of semi-precious stones in green, blue, and violet; down on one knee; holding a weapon in both hands that consists of a chain with a club on one end and a weight on the other; preparing to make it spin.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 06 Jul 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/27/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sun Tracker - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/28/ A pencil sketch of looping vines with heart-shaped leaves and three flowers: a small conical bud, a large bloom whose petals are folded into an inverted cone with a single pistil peaking outside, and a wide-open bloom whose outstretched petals and pistil resemble a radar dish.

A pencil sketch of looping vines with heart-shaped leaves and three flowers: a small conical bud, a large bloom whose petals are folded into an inverted cone with a single pistil peaking outside, and a wide-open bloom whose outstretched petals and pistil resemble a radar dish.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 13 Jul 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/28/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sun Tracker - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/29/ An ink outline of looping vines with heart-shaped leaves and three flowers: a small conical bud, a large bloom whose petals are folded into an inverted cone with a single pistil peaking outside, and a wide-open bloom whose outstretched petals and pistil resemble a radar dish.

An ink outline of looping vines with heart-shaped leaves and three flowers: a small conical bud, a large bloom whose petals are folded into an inverted cone with a single pistil peaking outside, and a wide-open bloom whose outstretched petals and pistil resemble a radar dish.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 20 Jul 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/29/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sun Tracker - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/30/ Looping vines with heart-shaped leaves and three flowers: a small conical bud with petals turned to alternately show their silver or black sides, a large bloom whose petals are folded into an inverted cone showing only their black sides with a single orange-tipped pistil peaking outside, and a wide-open bloom whose outstretched petals fan out to show their mirror-like silver sides and resemble a radar dish.

Looping vines with heart-shaped leaves and three flowers: a small conical bud with petals turned to alternately show their silver or black sides, a large bloom whose petals are folded into an inverted cone showing only their black sides with a single orange-tipped pistil peaking outside, and a wide-open bloom whose outstretched petals fan out to show their mirror-like silver sides and resemble a radar dish.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 27 Jul 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/30/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Questing Bloom - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/31/ A pencil sketch of a downward-facing trumpet-shaped flower with a cluster of spherical pods poking out from under the petals, and a serrated leaf.

A pencil sketch of a downward-facing trumpet-shaped flower with a cluster of spherical pods poking out from under the petals, and a serrated leaf.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 03 Aug 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/31/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Questing Bloom - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/32/ An ink outline of a downward-facing trumpet-shaped flower, coming out between a pair of serrated leaves and a curling vine, with a cluster of spherical pods poking out from under its petals.

An ink outline of a downward-facing trumpet-shaped flower, coming out between a pair of serrated leaves and a curling vine, with a cluster of spherical pods poking out from under its petals.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 10 Aug 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/32/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Questing Bloom - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/33/ An orange downward-facing trumpet-shaped flower, coming out between a pair of light green serrated leaves and a curling vine, with a cluster of deep pink spherical pods poking out from under the white edges of its petals.

An orange downward-facing trumpet-shaped flower, coming out between a pair of light green serrated leaves and a curling vine, with a cluster of deep pink spherical pods poking out from under the white edges of its petals.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 17 Aug 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/33/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wakyambi - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/34/ A pencil sketch of a woman holding a parasol, wearing a loosely-draped pantsuit and split-toe boots, whose tight curls are peaking out the front of her head wrap.

A pencil sketch of a woman holding a parasol, wearing a loosely-draped pantsuit and split-toe boots, whose tight curls are peaking out the front of her head wrap.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 24 Aug 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/34/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wakyambi - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/35/ An ink outline of a woman with a facial tattoo holding a parasol, wearing a loosely-draped pantsuit and split-toe boots, whose tight curls are peaking out the front of her head wrap.

An ink outline of a woman with a facial tattoo holding a parasol, wearing a loosely-draped pantsuit and split-toe boots, whose tight curls are peaking out the front of her head wrap.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 31 Aug 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/35/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wakyambi - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/36/ A cinnamon-skinned woman with a silvery facial tattoo holding a white parasol, wearing a loosely-draped white pantsuit, golden tunic and split-toe boots, whose tight curls are peaking out the front of her head wrap.

A cinnamon-skinned woman with a silvery facial tattoo holding a white parasol, wearing a loosely-draped white pantsuit, golden tunic and split-toe boots, whose tight curls are peaking out the front of her head wrap.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 07 Sep 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/36/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Ghost Blade Warrior - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/37/ A pencil sketch of a man in mid-leap holding a sword. He wears knee-length trousers and an asymmetrical short-sleeved shirt. He has facial and forearm tattoos, the sides of his head are shaved, and the rest of his hair is styled into long braids which fly out behind him.

A pencil sketch of a man in mid-leap holding a sword. He wears knee-length trousers and an asymmetrical short-sleeved shirt. He has facial and forearm tattoos, the sides of his head are shaved, and the rest of his hair is styled into long braids which fly out behind him.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 14 Sep 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/37/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Ghost Blade Warrior - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/38/ An ink outline of a man in mid-leap holding a sword. He wears knee-length trousers and an asymmetrical short-sleeved shirt. He has facial and forearm tattoos, the sides of his head are shaved, and the rest of his hair is styled into long braids which fly out behind him.

An ink outline of a man in mid-leap holding a sword. He wears knee-length trousers and an asymmetrical short-sleeved shirt. He has facial and forearm tattoos, the sides of his head are shaved, and the rest of his hair is styled into long braids which fly out behind him.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 21 Sep 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/38/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Ghost Blade Warrior - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/39/ A man in mid-leap holding a transparent sword. He wears knee-length white trousers and a green asymmetrical short-sleeved shirt. Silvery facial and forearm tattoos adorn his brown skin, the sides of his head are shaved, and the rest of his hair is styled into long braids which fly out behind him.

A man in mid-leap holding a transparent sword. He wears knee-length white trousers and a green asymmetrical short-sleeved shirt. Silvery facial and forearm tattoos adorn his brown skin, the sides of his head are shaved, and the rest of his hair is styled into long braids which fly out behind him.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 28 Sep 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/39/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wakyambi Mage - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/40/ An ink outline of a woman crouched on a tree branch in a martial pose, one hand upraised to make mystic sign from which a misty dragon shape uncoils itself into the air. She wears elegant corn-rows, tall split-toe boots, and an asymmetrical coat adorned with magical runes on the sleeves.

An ink outline of a woman crouched on a tree branch in a martial pose, one hand upraised to make mystic sign from which a misty dragon shape uncoils itself into the air. She wears elegant corn-rows, tall split-toe boots, and an asymmetrical coat adorned with magical runes on the sleeves.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 05 Oct 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/40/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wakyambi Mage - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/41/ A woman crouched on a tree branch in a martial pose, one hand upraised to make mystic sign from which a misty dragon shape uncoils itself into the air. She wears elegant copper-brown corn-rows, tall split-toe orange boots, and an asymmetrical orange coat adorned with white magical runes on the sleeves.

A woman crouched on a tree branch in a martial pose, one hand upraised to make mystic sign from which a misty dragon shape uncoils itself into the air. She wears elegant copper-brown corn-rows, tall split-toe orange boots, and an asymmetrical orange coat adorned with white magical runes on the sleeves.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 12 Oct 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/41/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
New Skin - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/42/ A pencil sketch of a cross-legged man-like being wrapped head-to toe in bandages.

A pencil sketch of a cross-legged man-like being wrapped head-to toe in bandages.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 19 Oct 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/42/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
New Skin - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/43/ An ink outline of a cross-legged man-like being wrapped head-to toe in bandages.

An ink outline of a cross-legged man-like being wrapped head-to toe in bandages.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 26 Oct 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/43/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
New Skin - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/44/ A cross-legged man-like being wrapped head-to toe in white bandages. They are interwoven with multicolored ribbons at the right breastbone, left bicep, and left ankle. He hovers above the ground.

A cross-legged man-like being wrapped head-to toe in white bandages. They are interwoven with multicolored ribbons at the right breastbone, left bicep, and left ankle. He hovers above the ground.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Nov 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/44/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Ghost - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/45/ A pencil sketch of a figure wrapped in voluminous robes with a pointed, tasseled hood; fading to nothing at the robes’ bottom edge; left hand raised to make an incantation; right hand holding a sword.

A pencil sketch of a figure wrapped in voluminous robes with a pointed, tasseled hood; fading to nothing at the robes’ bottom edge; left hand raised to make an incantation; right hand holding a sword.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 Nov 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/45/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Ghost - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/46/ An ink outline of a faceless figure wrapped in voluminous robes with a pointed, tasseled hood; disappearing below the robes’ bottom edge; left hand raised to make an incantation; right hand holding a sword.

An ink outline of a faceless figure wrapped in voluminous robes with a pointed, tasseled hood; disappearing below the robes’ bottom edge; left hand raised to make an incantation; right hand holding a sword.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 Nov 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/46/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Ghost - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/47/ A translucent, violet faceless figure wrapped in voluminous robes with a pointed, tasseled hood; invisible below the robes’ bottom edge; left hand raised to make an incantation; right hand holding a sword.

A translucent, violet faceless figure wrapped in voluminous robes with a pointed, tasseled hood; invisible below the robes’ bottom edge; left hand raised to make an incantation; right hand holding a sword.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 Nov 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/47/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Rakshasa - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/48/ A pencil sketch of a crouching human-like figure covered in changing skin patterns, sprouting bat wings and a scorpion tail, with long claws growing from the left hand.

A pencil sketch of a crouching human-like figure covered in changing skin patterns, sprouting bat wings and a scorpion tail, with long claws growing from the left hand.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 30 Nov 2019 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2019/48/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Rakshasa - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/01/ An ink outline of a crouching human-like figure, sprouting insect wings and a scorpion tail, with long claws growing from the left hand.

An ink outline of a crouching human-like figure, sprouting insect wings and a scorpion tail, with long claws growing from the left hand.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 04 Jan 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/01/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Rakshasa - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/02/ A crouching human-like figure covered in changing skin tones, sprouting translucent green wings, a violet scorpion tail, long scarlet claws growing from the left hand, and mismatched eyes.

A crouching human-like figure covered in changing skin tones, sprouting translucent green wings, a violet scorpion tail, long scarlet claws growing from the left hand, and mismatched eyes.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 11 Jan 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/02/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Tzitzimitl Concepts - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/03/ A pair of roughly-sketched, vaguely human-like alien heads with skeletal and reptilian features, and very large eyes. Nearby are four-digit clawed hands and/or feet.

A pair of roughly-sketched, vaguely human-like alien heads with skeletal and reptilian features, and very large eyes. Nearby are four-digit clawed hands and/or feet.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 18 Jan 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/03/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Blades & Shield - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/04/ Ink outlines of three weapons, a long knife, a spear, and a sword, with similar-shaped blades and handles/shafts/hilts, all in different proportions, all calling to mind parts of plants. They all float above a leaf-shaped shield.

Ink outlines of three weapons, a long knife, a spear, and a sword, with similar-shaped blades and handles/shafts/hilts, all in different proportions, all calling to mind parts of plants. They all float above a leaf-shaped shield.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 25 Jan 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/04/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sidhe Blades & Shield - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/05/ Three weapons, a long knife, a spear, and a sword, with similar-shaped silver-green blades and handles/shafts/hilts, all in different proportions, all calling to mind parts of plants. They all float above a leaf-shaped green-grey shield.

Three weapons, a long knife, a spear, and a sword, with similar-shaped silver-green blades and handles/shafts/hilts, all in different proportions, all calling to mind parts of plants. They all float above a leaf-shaped green-grey shield.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 01 Feb 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/05/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wakyambi Mind Marks - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/06/ An ink outline of a woman sporting several abstract, geometric tattoos on her shaved head. They are comprised of lines, arcs, dots, and circles. Some curl over her left ear from the back of her hear, others orbit her left eye, and many form a wedge at the top of her skull that points down between her eyes.

An ink outline of a woman sporting several abstract, geometric tattoos on her shaved head. They are comprised of lines, arcs, dots, and circles. Some curl over her left ear from the back of her hear, others orbit her left eye, and many form a wedge at the top of her skull that points down between her eyes.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 08 Feb 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/06/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wakyambi Mind Marks - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/07/ A mahogany-skinned woman with bright orange robes and a jade ear-clip, sporting several silvery, abstract, geometric tattoos on her shaved head. They are comprised of lines, arcs, dots, and circles. Some curl over her left ear from the back of her hear, others orbit her left eye, and many form a wedge at the top of her skull that points down between her eyes.

A mahogany-skinned woman with bright orange robes and a jade ear-clip, sporting several silvery, abstract, geometric tattoos on her shaved head. They are comprised of lines, arcs, dots, and circles. Some curl over her left ear from the back of her hear, others orbit her left eye, and many form a wedge at the top of her skull that points down between her eyes.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 15 Feb 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/07/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Weapon Servant Symbiotes - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/08/ Two overlapping pencil sketches of the upper body of a martial artist in a fighting stance. He wears a tunic with flame designs, and his forearms are wrapped in organic-looking bracers. One bracer ends in two stiffly-curved vines which hook over his hand like claws; In the other, those vines stretch out and snake forward like two small whips.

Two overlapping pencil sketches of the upper body of a martial artist in a fighting stance. He wears a tunic with flame designs, and his forearms are wrapped in organic-looking bracers. One bracer ends in two stiffly-curved vines which hook over his hand like claws; In the other, those vines stretch out and snake forward like two small whips.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 22 Feb 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/08/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Weapon Servant Symbiotes - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/09/ The ink outline of the upper body of a martial artist in a fighting stance. He wears a tunic with flame designs, and his forearms are wrapped in organic-looking bracers. One bracer ends in two stiffly-curved vines which hook over his hand like claws; In the other, those vines stretch out and snake forward like two small whips.

The ink outline of the upper body of a martial artist in a fighting stance. He wears a tunic with flame designs, and his forearms are wrapped in organic-looking bracers. One bracer ends in two stiffly-curved vines which hook over his hand like claws; In the other, those vines stretch out and snake forward like two small whips.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 29 Feb 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/09/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Weapon Servant Symbiotes - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/10/ The upper body of a martial artist in a fighting stance. His skin, eyes, and hair are all various shades of brown. He wears orange trousers and a white tunic with orange flame designs, and his forearms are wrapped in greenish, organic-looking bracers. One bracer ends in two stiffly-curved vines which hook over his hand like claws; In the other, those vines stretch out and snake forward like two small whips.

The upper body of a martial artist in a fighting stance. His skin, eyes, and hair are all various shades of brown. He wears orange trousers and a white tunic with orange flame designs, and his forearms are wrapped in greenish, organic-looking bracers. One bracer ends in two stiffly-curved vines which hook over his hand like claws; In the other, those vines stretch out and snake forward like two small whips.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 07 Mar 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/10/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Flying Fist - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/11/ An ink outline of a club and a spindle attached by a long, looping chain.

An ink outline of a club and a spindle attached by a long, looping chain.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 14 Mar 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/11/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Flying Fist - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/12/ A golden club and a spindle attached by a long, looping chain, whirling over a light grey-blue geometric background.

A golden club and a spindle attached by a long, looping chain, whirling over a light grey-blue geometric background.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 21 Mar 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/12/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin War Engine - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/13/ A pencil sketch of an eight-legged machine resembling a cross between a spider and a crab, with a pebble-like texture, a face like a tall shield with a viewing slit, and a circular hatch on its back.

A pencil sketch of an eight-legged machine resembling a cross between a spider and a crab, with a pebble-like texture, a face like a tall shield with a viewing slit, and a circular hatch on its back.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 28 Mar 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/13/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin War Engine - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/14/ An ink outline of an eight-legged machine resembling a cross between a spider and a crab, with a pebble-like texture, and a face like a tall shield with a viewing slit.

An ink outline of an eight-legged machine resembling a cross between a spider and a crab, with a pebble-like texture, and a face like a tall shield with a viewing slit.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 04 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/14/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin War Engine - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/15/ An eight-legged machine resembling a cross between a spider and a crab, covered in a blue black metal with a pebble-like texture, and having a face like a tall shield with a viewing slit.

An eight-legged machine resembling a cross between a spider and a crab, covered in a blue black metal with a pebble-like texture, and having a face like a tall shield with a viewing slit.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 11 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/15/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wands - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/16/ An ink outline of a set of eight crossed magic wands, ranging in style from a simple gnarled branch to one topped dragon’s head to a wand topped by a tulip.

An ink outline of a set of eight crossed magic wands, ranging in style from a simple gnarled branch to one topped dragon’s head to a wand topped by a tulip.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 18 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/16/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Wands - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/17/ A set of eight crossed magic wands, ranging in style from a simple gnarled branch to one topped dragon’s head to a wand topped by a tulip.

A set of eight crossed magic wands, ranging in style from a simple gnarled branch to one topped dragon’s head to a wand topped by a tulip.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 25 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/17/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Tzitzimitl Miquiztetl - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/18/ A pencil sketch of a gaunt being with large prominent ribs, legs bearing an extra joint, and a smooth, oval, almost reptilian head. Hooks poke out of its elbows and leg joints. Each limb ends in four rotating thumb-like digits. A long barbed tongue coils in its mouth. Various pieces of geometric jewelry and ornamental float nearby.

A pencil sketch of a gaunt being with large prominent ribs, legs bearing an extra joint, and a smooth, oval, almost reptilian head. Hooks poke out of its elbows and leg joints. Each limb ends in four rotating thumb-like digits. A long barbed tongue coils in its mouth. Various pieces of geometric jewelry and ornamental float nearby.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 May 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/18/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Tzitzimitl Miquiztetl - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/19/ An ink outline of a gaunt being with large prominent ribs, legs bearing an extra joint, and a smooth, oval, almost reptilian head. Hooks poke out of its elbows and leg joints. Each limb ends in four rotating thumb-like digits. A long barbed tongue coils in its mouth. Pieces of geometric ornamentation float in place over its body: a headdress, ear plug, pectoral, hip guards, and anklet. A sharp throwing ring rests in one hand.

An ink outline of a gaunt being with large prominent ribs, legs bearing an extra joint, and a smooth, oval, almost reptilian head. Hooks poke out of its elbows and leg joints. Each limb ends in four rotating thumb-like digits. A long barbed tongue coils in its mouth. Pieces of geometric ornamentation float in place over its body: a headdress, ear plug, pectoral, hip guards, and anklet. A sharp throwing ring rests in one hand.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 May 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/19/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Tzitzimitl Miquiztetl - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/20/ A pale, gaunt being with large prominent ribs, legs bearing an extra joint, and a smooth, oval, almost reptilian head with large dark eyes. Hooks poke out of its elbows and leg joints. Each limb ends in four pink rotating thumb-like digits. A long barbed crimson tongue coils in its mouth. Pieces of golden geometric ornamentation float in place over its body: a headdress, ear plug, pectoral, hip guards, and anklet. A sharp golden throwing ring rests in one hand.

A pale, gaunt being with large prominent ribs, legs bearing an extra joint, and a smooth, oval, almost reptilian head with large dark eyes. Hooks poke out of its elbows and leg joints. Each limb ends in four pink rotating thumb-like digits. A long barbed crimson tongue coils in its mouth. Pieces of golden geometric ornamentation float in place over its body: a headdress, ear plug, pectoral, hip guards, and anklet. A sharp golden throwing ring rests in one hand.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 May 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/20/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Tzitzimitl Hueyimichin & Tocatl - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/21/ A pencil sketch of a flying salamander-like creature shoots out a long, frog-like tongue. It has prominent rib-like structures and is wreathed in a headdress of floating triangles. A tiny, grub-like creature, with antennae made of triangles, floats upside-down by a tread.

A pencil sketch of a flying salamander-like creature shoots out a long, frog-like tongue. It has prominent rib-like structures and is wreathed in a headdress of floating triangles. A tiny, grub-like creature, with antennae made of triangles, floats upside-down by a tread.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 May 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/21/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Tzitzimitl Hueyimichin & Tocatl - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/22/ An ink outline of a flying salamander-like creature shoots out a long, barbed frog-like tongue. It has prominent rib-like structures and is wreathed in a headdress of floating triangles. A tiny, grub-like creature, with antennae made of triangles, floats upside-down by a tread.

An ink outline of a flying salamander-like creature shoots out a long, barbed frog-like tongue. It has prominent rib-like structures and is wreathed in a headdress of floating triangles. A tiny, grub-like creature, with antennae made of triangles, floats upside-down by a tread.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 30 May 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/22/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Tzitzimitl Hueyimichin & Tocatl - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/23/ A flying white salamander-like creature shoots out a long, crimson, barbed frog-like tongue. It has prominent rib-like structures, pink digits, and is wreathed in a headdress of floating golden triangles. A tiny, grub-like creature with similar coloring and antennae made of golden triangles, floats upside-down by a gold tread.

A flying white salamander-like creature shoots out a long, crimson, barbed frog-like tongue. It has prominent rib-like structures, pink digits, and is wreathed in a headdress of floating golden triangles. A tiny, grub-like creature with similar coloring and antennae made of golden triangles, floats upside-down by a gold tread.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/23/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Couatl - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/24/ An ink outline of an elongated reptilian face with frills, feathers, spikes, a pair of curved-back horns, and a forked tongue.

An ink outline of an elongated reptilian face with frills, feathers, spikes, a pair of curved-back horns, and a forked tongue.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 13 Jun 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/24/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Couatl - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/25/ An elongated, green reptilian face with frills, violet feathers, ivory spikes, a pair of curved-back horns, golden eyes, and a forked pink tongue.

An elongated, green reptilian face with frills, violet feathers, ivory spikes, a pair of curved-back horns, golden eyes, and a forked pink tongue.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 20 Jun 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/25/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Lutin Marksman - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/26/ A pencil sketch of a upright furry creature resembling some sort of fox or hyena with a row of spikes across the top of its head. It wears an ear ring, armor on the right shoulder, a bracelet, and a right shin guard —all of which seem to be made out of bubbles with the occasional face coming through. The creature points a wide-barreled gun, constructed in a similar manner, which resembles a cross between a warthog and a spiny fish.

A pencil sketch of a upright furry creature resembling some sort of fox or hyena with a row of spikes across the top of its head. It wears an ear ring, armor on the right shoulder, a bracelet, and a right shin guard —all of which seem to be made out of bubbles with the occasional face coming through. The creature points a wide-barreled gun, constructed in a similar manner, which resembles a cross between a warthog and a spiny fish.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 27 Jun 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/26/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Marius Thane - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/27/ An ink outline of a man with sharp features, dressed in a long robe with a hooded cloak, carrying a small satchel at his side that’s marked with a single rune.

An ink outline of a man with sharp features, dressed in a long robe with a hooded cloak, carrying a small satchel at his side that’s marked with a single rune.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 04 Jul 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/27/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Marius Thane - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/28/ A bronze-skinned man with sharp features and bright green eyes, dressed in a long green robe with a hooded cloak, carrying a small satchel at his side that’s marked with a single rune.

A bronze-skinned man with sharp features and bright green eyes, dressed in a long green robe with a hooded cloak, carrying a small satchel at his side that’s marked with a single rune.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/28/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Doctor Fathom - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/29/ A pencil sketch of a woman in a streamlined diving suit with an oval glass helmet and a large dorsal fin running down the length of the suit.

A pencil sketch of a woman in a streamlined diving suit with an oval glass helmet and a large dorsal fin running down the length of the suit.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 18 Jul 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/29/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Doctor Fathom - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/30/ A ink outline of a woman in a streamlined diving suit with an oval glass helmet and a large dorsal fin running down the length of the suit.

A ink outline of a woman in a streamlined diving suit with an oval glass helmet and a large dorsal fin running down the length of the suit.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 25 Jul 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/30/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Doctor Fathom - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/31/ A woman in a sea-green streamlined diving suit with a violet oval glass helmet and a large dorsal fin running down the length of the suit. Behind her float the silhouettes of nurse sharks.

A woman in a sea-green streamlined diving suit with a violet oval glass helmet and a large dorsal fin running down the length of the suit. Behind her float the silhouettes of nurse sharks.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 01 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/31/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Jet - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/32/ A pencil sketch of a fanciful jet seen from above, all smooth curves and ellipses, with an almond-shaped cockpit, canards, large forward-swept wings, and twin engines.

A pencil sketch of a fanciful jet seen from above, all smooth curves and ellipses, with an almond-shaped cockpit, canards, large forward-swept wings, and twin engines.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 08 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/32/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Jet - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/33/ An ink outline of a fanciful jet seen from above, all smooth curves and ellipses, with an almond-shaped cockpit, canards, large forward-swept wings, and twin engines spitting fire.

An ink outline of a fanciful jet seen from above, all smooth curves and ellipses, with an almond-shaped cockpit, canards, large forward-swept wings, and twin engines spitting fire.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/33/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Jet - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/34/ A fanciful silvery jet seen from above, all smooth curves and ellipses, with an almond-shaped cockpit in dark glass, canards, large forward-swept wings, and twin engines spitting orange fire.

A fanciful silvery jet seen from above, all smooth curves and ellipses, with an almond-shaped cockpit in dark glass, canards, large forward-swept wings, and twin engines spitting orange fire.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 22 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/34/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Cruiser - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/35/ A pencil sketch of a twin-engine spaceship seen from the port side, front, and from above, with a silhouette that looks wildly different in each view, due to the odd angles and shapes of its bent wings, canards, and secondary hull.

A pencil sketch of a twin-engine spaceship seen from the port side, front, and from above, with a silhouette that looks wildly different in each view, due to the odd angles and shapes of its bent wings, canards, and secondary hull.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 29 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/35/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Cruiser - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/36/ An ink outline of the port (left) side of spaceship with a large conical cockpit, a thin rectangular secondary hull, v-shaped bent wings, and cylindrical engines trailing long plumes of fire.

An ink outline of the port (left) side of spaceship with a large conical cockpit, a thin rectangular secondary hull, v-shaped bent wings, and cylindrical engines trailing long plumes of fire.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 05 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/36/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Cruiser - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/37/ The port (left) side of a maroon and grey spaceship with a large conical cockpit, a thin rectangular secondary hull, v-shaped bent wings, and cylindrical engines trailing long plumes of orange fire.

The port (left) side of a maroon and grey spaceship with a large conical cockpit, a thin rectangular secondary hull, v-shaped bent wings, and cylindrical engines trailing long plumes of orange fire.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 12 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/37/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Galleon - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/38/ A pencil sketch showing views of the top and port (left) sides of a spaceship. The front is shaped like an arrowhead. The back is one large crescent wing from which two engines hang. Between and underneath each end are dozens of boxy interconnected compartments.

A pencil sketch showing views of the top and port (left) sides of a spaceship. The front is shaped like an arrowhead. The back is one large crescent wing from which two engines hang. Between and underneath each end are dozens of boxy interconnected compartments.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 19 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/38/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Galleon - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/39/ An ink outline of the port (left) side of a spaceship. The front is shaped like an arrowhead. The back is one large crescent wing from which its engines hang. Between and underneath each end are dozens of boxy interconnected compartments.

An ink outline of the port (left) side of a spaceship. The front is shaped like an arrowhead. The back is one large crescent wing from which its engines hang. Between and underneath each end are dozens of boxy interconnected compartments.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 26 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/39/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Space Galleon - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/40/ The port (left) side of an an olive and gunmetal spaceship trailing jets of orange flame. The front is shaped like an arrowhead. The back is one large crescent wing from which its engines hang. Between and underneath each end are dozens of boxy interconnected compartments.

The port (left) side of an an olive and gunmetal spaceship trailing jets of orange flame. The front is shaped like an arrowhead. The back is one large crescent wing from which its engines hang. Between and underneath each end are dozens of boxy interconnected compartments.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 03 Oct 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/40/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Helmet - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/41/ A pencil sketch of a bullet-shaped helmet adorned with a central fin, a jewel set in the forehead, and a massive pair of ram’s horns. A chain-mail veil protects the area around the nose and mouth. An eerie light glimmers deep within the left eye hole.

A pencil sketch of a bullet-shaped helmet adorned with a central fin, a jewel set in the forehead, and a massive pair of ram’s horns. A chain-mail veil protects the area around the nose and mouth. An eerie light glimmers deep within the left eye hole.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 10 Oct 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/41/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Helmet - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/42/ An ink outline of a bullet-shaped helmet, adorned with a central fin, a jewel set in the forehead, and a massive pair of ram’s horns. A chain-mail veil protects the area around the nose and mouth.

An ink outline of a bullet-shaped helmet, adorned with a central fin, a jewel set in the forehead, and a massive pair of ram’s horns. A chain-mail veil protects the area around the nose and mouth.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 17 Oct 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/42/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Helmet - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/43/ A bullet-shaped green-painted helmet with gold accents, adorned with a central fin, a purple jewel set in the forehead, and a massive pair of gold-tipped ram’s horns. A chain-mail veil protects the area around the nose and mouth.

A bullet-shaped green-painted helmet with gold accents, adorned with a central fin, a purple jewel set in the forehead, and a massive pair of gold-tipped ram’s horns. A chain-mail veil protects the area around the nose and mouth.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 24 Oct 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/43/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Book - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/44/ A pencil sketch of a large, heavy, old book; opened to a page full of writing and the illustration of a planet; the place saved with a built-in satin ribbon bookmark.

A pencil sketch of a large, heavy, old book; opened to a page full of writing and the illustration of a planet; the place saved with a built-in satin ribbon bookmark.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/44/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Book - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/45/ An ink outline of a large, heavy, old book; opened to a page full of writing and the illustration of a planet; the place saved with a built-in satin ribbon bookmark.

An ink outline of a large, heavy, old book; opened to a page full of writing and the illustration of a planet; the place saved with a built-in satin ribbon bookmark.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 07 Nov 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/45/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Book - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/46/ A large, heavy, leather-bound old book; opened to a yellowed page full of writing and the sketch of a planet; the place saved with a built-in scarlet satin ribbon bookmark.

A large, heavy, leather-bound old book; opened to a yellowed page full of writing and the sketch of a planet; the place saved with a built-in scarlet satin ribbon bookmark.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 14 Nov 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/46/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Security Robot - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/47/ A pencil sketch of a flying delta-wing-shaped robot seen edge-on, from the front. The center bulges out to hold a cluster of camera eyes. Halfway along each side, a short fin projects down while a larger fin projects up. Two rectangular guns are slung under the center of the wing by a pair of articulated arms.

A pencil sketch of a flying delta-wing-shaped robot seen edge-on, from the front. The center bulges out to hold a cluster of camera eyes. Halfway along each side, a short fin projects down while a larger fin projects up. Two rectangular guns are slung under the center of the wing by a pair of articulated arms.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 21 Nov 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/47/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Security Robot - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/48/ An ink outline of a flying delta-wing-shaped robot seen edge-on, from the front. The center bulges out to hold a cluster of camera eyes. Halfway along each side, a short fin projects down while a larger fin projects up. Two rectangular guns are slung under the center of the wing by a pair of articulated arms.

An ink outline of a flying delta-wing-shaped robot seen edge-on, from the front. The center bulges out to hold a cluster of camera eyes. Halfway along each side, a short fin projects down while a larger fin projects up. Two rectangular guns are slung under the center of the wing by a pair of articulated arms.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 28 Nov 2020 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2020/48/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Security Robot - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/01/ A flying delta-wing-shaped robot in maroon and chrome, seen edge-on, from the front. The center bulges out to hold a cluster of camera eyes reflecting the sky. Halfway along each side, a short fin projects down while a larger fin projects up. Two rectangular guns are slung under the center of the wing by a pair of articulated arms.

A flying delta-wing-shaped robot in maroon and chrome, seen edge-on, from the front. The center bulges out to hold a cluster of camera eyes reflecting the sky. Halfway along each side, a short fin projects down while a larger fin projects up. Two rectangular guns are slung under the center of the wing by a pair of articulated arms.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Jan 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/01/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Scale Mail Shirt - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/02/ A pencil sketch of a shirt of scale mail with decorative trim and fasteners, and large metal plates at the shoulders and elbows.

A pencil sketch of a shirt of scale mail with decorative trim and fasteners, and large metal plates at the shoulders and elbows.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 Jan 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/02/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Scale Mail Shirt - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/03/ An ink outline of a shirt of scale mail with decorative trim and fasteners, and large metal plates at the shoulders and elbows.

An ink outline of a shirt of scale mail with decorative trim and fasteners, and large metal plates at the shoulders and elbows.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 Jan 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/03/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Scale Mail Shirt - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/04/ A shirt of sky-blue scale mail with decorative gold trim and fasteners, large gold plates at the shoulders and elbows, a red collar, red jewel accents, and red lining.

A shirt of sky-blue scale mail with decorative gold trim and fasteners, large gold plates at the shoulders and elbows, a red collar, red jewel accents, and red lining.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 Jan 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/04/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Hex Concepts - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/05/ Multiple overlapping pencil sketches of a charging woman warrior in tall boots, a short coat, and a hairstyle that combines elements of a “Mohawk” and a ponytail. Her arms, positioned at multiple experimental angles, each hold a sword.

Multiple overlapping pencil sketches of a charging woman warrior in tall boots, a short coat, and a hairstyle that combines elements of a “Mohawk” and a ponytail. Her arms, positioned at multiple experimental angles, each hold a sword.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 30 Jan 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/05/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Hex - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/06/ A pencil sketch of a warrior wearing a double-breasted top and jodhpurs with elaborate piping, high boots, and a long coat; sporting elaborate dreadlocks that gather and tumble down her back; wielding a pair of long, thin swords.

A pencil sketch of a warrior wearing a double-breasted top and jodhpurs with elaborate piping, high boots, and a long coat; sporting elaborate dreadlocks that gather and tumble down her back; wielding a pair of long, thin swords.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 06 Feb 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/06/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Hex - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/07/ An ink outline of a warrior wearing a double-breasted top and jodhpurs with piping, high boots, and a long coat; sporting dreadlocks that gather and tumble down her back; wielding a pair of long swords.

An ink outline of a warrior wearing a double-breasted top and jodhpurs with piping, high boots, and a long coat; sporting dreadlocks that gather and tumble down her back; wielding a pair of long swords.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 13 Feb 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/07/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Hex - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/08/ A warrior wearing a double-breasted top and jodhpurs in white and maroon with gold piping, high tan boots, and a long tan coat; sporting violet dreadlocks that gather and tumble down her back; wielding twin swords: one white and one black.

A warrior wearing a double-breasted top and jodhpurs in white and maroon with gold piping, high tan boots, and a long tan coat; sporting violet dreadlocks that gather and tumble down her back; wielding twin swords: one white and one black.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 20 Feb 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/08/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Chiaroscuro - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/09/ Two overlapping pencil sketches of a man bearing an elaborate dragon-headed staff. He wears casual contemporary summer clothes that are transitioning into fantastic magical robes. Twisted scars radiate out from his right knee.

Two overlapping pencil sketches of a man bearing an elaborate dragon-headed staff. He wears casual contemporary summer clothes that are transitioning into fantastic magical robes. Twisted scars radiate out from his right knee.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 27 Feb 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/09/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Chiaroscuro - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/10/ An ink outline of a man bearing an elaborate dragon-headed staff. He wears casual contemporary summer clothes that are transitioning into fantastic magical robes.

An ink outline of a man bearing an elaborate dragon-headed staff. He wears casual contemporary summer clothes that are transitioning into fantastic magical robes.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 06 Mar 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/10/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Chiaroscuro - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/11/ A man bearing an elaborate dragon-headed staff. He wears casual contemporary summer clothes that are transitioning into fantastic magical robes. A scar on his right knee twists up and down his leg.

A man bearing an elaborate dragon-headed staff. He wears casual contemporary summer clothes that are transitioning into fantastic magical robes. A scar on his right knee twists up and down his leg.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 13 Mar 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/11/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Mounted Archer - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/12/ A rough pencil sketch of a human figure shooting a bow while riding a galloping horse.

A rough pencil sketch of a human figure shooting a bow while riding a galloping horse.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 20 Mar 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/12/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Mounted Archer - Pencil Illustration https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/13/ A pencil illustration of a man firing an arrow from a bow while riding a horse, with signs of a battle in the fog behind him.

A pencil illustration of a man firing an arrow from a bow while riding a horse, with signs of a battle in the fog behind him.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 27 Mar 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/13/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Mounted Archer - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/14/ An ink outline of a man firing an arrow from a bow while riding a horse.

An ink outline of a man firing an arrow from a bow while riding a horse.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 03 Apr 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/14/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Mounted Archer - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/15/ A man in green firing an arrow from a bow while riding a tan horse.

A man in green firing an arrow from a bow while riding a tan horse.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 10 Apr 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/15/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Voodoo Child - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/16/ An ink outline of a woman in a denim jacket and jeans with large hoop earrings, and a guitar slug across her back. Her hair is arranged in corn-rows across much of her head, but then blossoms into an afro towards the back. A glowing pattern of light is forming in front of her outstretched hand.

An ink outline of a woman in a denim jacket and jeans with large hoop earrings, and a guitar slug across her back. Her hair is arranged in corn-rows across much of her head, but then blossoms into an afro towards the back. A glowing pattern of light is forming in front of her outstretched hand.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 17 Apr 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/16/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Voodoo Child - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/17/ A woman in a denim jacket and jeans with large hoop earrings, and a guitar slug across her back. Her hair is arranged in corn-rows across much of her head, but then blossoms into an afro towards the back. A glowing pattern of rosy light is forming in front of her outstretched hand.

A woman in a denim jacket and jeans with large hoop earrings, and a guitar slug across her back. Her hair is arranged in corn-rows across much of her head, but then blossoms into an afro towards the back. A glowing pattern of rosy light is forming in front of her outstretched hand.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 24 Apr 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/17/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Bocal de Donjon - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/18/ A pencil sketch of a tall, intricately decorated stoppered bottle made of fused glass, metal and bone.

A pencil sketch of a tall, intricately decorated stoppered bottle made of fused glass, metal and bone.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 01 May 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/18/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Bocal de Donjon - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/19/ An ink outline of a tall, intricately decorated stoppered bottle made of fused glass, metal and bone.

An ink outline of a tall, intricately decorated stoppered bottle made of fused glass, metal and bone.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 08 May 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/19/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Bocal de Donjon - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/20/ A tall, intricately decorated stoppered bottle made of fused aquamarine glass, metal and bone.

A tall, intricately decorated stoppered bottle made of fused aquamarine glass, metal and bone.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 15 May 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/20/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Jinx Concept - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/21/ A pencil sketch of a woman with an asymmetrical hairstyle wearing a stage magician’s costume while running forward with a sparking magic wand.

A pencil sketch of a woman with an asymmetrical hairstyle wearing a stage magician’s costume while running forward with a sparking magic wand.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 22 May 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/21/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Jinx - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/22/ A pencil sketch of a woman with an asymmetrical hairstyle wearing a stage magician’s costume. She holds a wand in one hand and raises her top hat with the other. There’s a spade painted on her cheek, and one shoulder bears an abstract tattoo.

A pencil sketch of a woman with an asymmetrical hairstyle wearing a stage magician’s costume. She holds a wand in one hand and raises her top hat with the other. There’s a spade painted on her cheek, and one shoulder bears an abstract tattoo.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 29 May 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/22/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Jinx - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/23/ An ink outline of a woman with an asymmetrical hairstyle wearing an updated stage magician’s costume. She holds a wand in one hand and raises her top hat with the other. There’s a spade painted on her cheek, and one shoulder bears an abstract tattoo.

An ink outline of a woman with an asymmetrical hairstyle wearing an updated stage magician’s costume. She holds a wand in one hand and raises her top hat with the other. There’s a spade painted on her cheek, and one shoulder bears an abstract tattoo.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 05 Jun 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/23/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Jinx - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/24/ A woman with an asymmetrical orange hairstyle wearing an updated stage magician’s costume in violets and reds. She holds a white wand in one hand and raises her white top hat with the other. There’s a silvery-white spade painted on her cheek, and one shoulder bears an abstract red tattoo.

A woman with an asymmetrical orange hairstyle wearing an updated stage magician’s costume in violets and reds. She holds a white wand in one hand and raises her white top hat with the other. There’s a silvery-white spade painted on her cheek, and one shoulder bears an abstract red tattoo.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 12 Jun 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/24/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Mojo - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/25/ Two overlapping pencil sketches of a stage magician holding a wand while standing over an upturned top hat, from which a spiraling column of mystic light arises.

Two overlapping pencil sketches of a stage magician holding a wand while standing over an upturned top hat, from which a spiraling column of mystic light arises.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 19 Jun 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/25/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Mojo - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/26/ An ink outline of a stage magician wearing a tuxedo coat with torn-off sleeves, jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves waves a wand while standing straddled over an upturned top hat, from which a trail of sparks spirals up around him.

An ink outline of a stage magician wearing a tuxedo coat with torn-off sleeves, jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves waves a wand while standing straddled over an upturned top hat, from which a trail of sparks spirals up around him.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 26 Jun 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/26/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Mojo - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/27/ A stage magician wearing a scarlet tuxedo coat with torn-off sleeves, jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves waves a wand while standing straddled over an upturned red top hat, from which a trail of golden sparks spirals up around him.

A stage magician wearing a scarlet tuxedo coat with torn-off sleeves, jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves waves a wand while standing straddled over an upturned red top hat, from which a trail of golden sparks spirals up around him.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 03 Jul 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/27/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Detective Max Behr - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/28/ A rough pencil sketch of a man wearing a fedora, going through the motions of opening a coat and reaching for something within.

A rough pencil sketch of a man wearing a fedora, going through the motions of opening a coat and reaching for something within.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 10 Jul 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/28/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Detective Max Behr - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/29/ An ink outline of a burly bearded man in a fedora and flapping tie pulls open his coat to withdraw a revolver from its shoulder holster.

An ink outline of a burly bearded man in a fedora and flapping tie pulls open his coat to withdraw a revolver from its shoulder holster.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 17 Jul 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/29/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Detective Max Behr - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/30/ A burly bearded blond man in a grey fedora and flapping maroon tie pulls open his overcoat to withdraw a revolver from its shoulder holster.

A burly bearded blond man in a grey fedora and flapping maroon tie pulls open his overcoat to withdraw a revolver from its shoulder holster.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 24 Jul 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/30/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sergeant Jahl Dai - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/31/ A pencil sketch of a mostly-human man in a boxer’s stance, with pointed ears, claws, foot spurs, and long spines coming from his forearms. He wears an athletic shirt and military-style trousers tucked into spats that leave exposed the natural weapons on his feet.

A pencil sketch of a mostly-human man in a boxer’s stance, with pointed ears, claws, foot spurs, and long spines coming from his forearms. He wears an athletic shirt and military-style trousers tucked into spats that leave exposed the natural weapons on his feet.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 31 Jul 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/31/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sergeant Jahl Dai - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/32/ An ink outline of a mostly-human man in a boxer’s stance, with pointed ears, claws, foot spurs, and long spines coming from his forearms. He wears an athletic shirt and military-style trousers tucked into spats that leave exposed the natural weapons on his feet.

An ink outline of a mostly-human man in a boxer’s stance, with pointed ears, claws, foot spurs, and long spines coming from his forearms. He wears an athletic shirt and military-style trousers tucked into spats that leave exposed the natural weapons on his feet.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 07 Aug 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/32/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Sergeant Jahl Dai - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/33/ A mostly-human man in a boxer’s stance, with pointed ears, claws, foot spurs, and long spines coming from his forearms. He wears an orange-and-white athletic shirt and olive military-style trousers tucked into spats that leave exposed the natural weapons on his feet.

A mostly-human man in a boxer’s stance, with pointed ears, claws, foot spurs, and long spines coming from his forearms. He wears an orange-and-white athletic shirt and olive military-style trousers tucked into spats that leave exposed the natural weapons on his feet.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 14 Aug 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/33/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Dr. Diamond Lilly Jones - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/34/ A pencil sketch of a woman in an abstract geometric hairstyle, wearing a voluminous open coat-dress over a body suit.

A pencil sketch of a woman in an abstract geometric hairstyle, wearing a voluminous open coat-dress over a body suit.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 21 Aug 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/34/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Dr. Diamond Lilly Jones - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/35/ An ink outline of a woman in an abstract geometric hairstyle, wearing a voluminous open coat-dress over a body suit with a double-belt of beads.

An ink outline of a woman in an abstract geometric hairstyle, wearing a voluminous open coat-dress over a body suit with a double-belt of beads.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 28 Aug 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/35/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Dr. Diamond Lilly Jones - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/36/ A woman in a purple abstract geometric hairstyle, wearing a voluminous translucent purple coat-dress over a pink body suit with a double-belt of golden beads and numerous gold accessories.

A woman in a purple abstract geometric hairstyle, wearing a voluminous translucent purple coat-dress over a pink body suit with a double-belt of golden beads and numerous gold accessories.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 04 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/36/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Restoration Chamber - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/37/ Two overlapping pencil sketches which show an upright coffin-like machine with a large hexagonal window, through which a woman can be seen floating inside in some sort of suspended animation.

Two overlapping pencil sketches which show an upright coffin-like machine with a large hexagonal window, through which a woman can be seen floating inside in some sort of suspended animation.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 11 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/37/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Restoration Chamber - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/38/ An ink outline of an upright coffin-like machine with a large hexagonal window, through which a woman can be seen floating inside in some sort of suspended animation.

An ink outline of an upright coffin-like machine with a large hexagonal window, through which a woman can be seen floating inside in some sort of suspended animation.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 18 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/38/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Restoration Chamber - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/39/ A black and orange coffin-like box with a large hexagonal window. A sleeping woman floats within, admit the bubbles of a teal colored liquid.

A black and orange coffin-like box with a large hexagonal window. A sleeping woman floats within, admit the bubbles of a teal colored liquid.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 25 Sep 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/39/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Captain Maxine “Max” Harris - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/40/ A pencil sketch of a woman in a futuristic pilot’s uniform standing with crossed arms.

A pencil sketch of a woman in a futuristic pilot’s uniform standing with crossed arms.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Oct 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/40/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Captain Maxine “Max” Harris - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/41/ An ink outline of a woman in a futuristic pilot’s uniform standing with crossed arms.

An ink outline of a woman in a futuristic pilot’s uniform standing with crossed arms.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 Oct 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/41/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Captain Maxine “Max” Harris - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/42/ A red-headed woman in an olive and khaki futuristic pilot’s uniform standing with crossed arms.

A red-headed woman in an olive and khaki futuristic pilot’s uniform standing with crossed arms.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 Oct 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/42/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Starling - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/43/ A pencil sketch of a man with the sides of his head shaved, the rest of his hair styled in corn rows that end in long braids off his back. He wears a one-piece jump-suit as he floats in mid-air.

A pencil sketch of a man with the sides of his head shaved, the rest of his hair styled in corn rows that end in long braids off his back. He wears a one-piece jump-suit as he floats in mid-air.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 Oct 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/43/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Starling - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/44/ An ink outline of a man with the sides of his head shaved, the rest of his hair styled in corn rows that end in long braids off his back. He wears a one-piece jump-suit as he floats in mid-air.

An ink outline of a man with the sides of his head shaved, the rest of his hair styled in corn rows that end in long braids off his back. He wears a one-piece jump-suit as he floats in mid-air.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 30 Oct 2021 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/44/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Starling - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/45/ A man with the sides of his head shaved, the rest of his hair styled in corn rows that end in long braids off his back. He wears a one-piece orange and white jump-suit as he floats in mid-air.

A man with the sides of his head shaved, the rest of his hair styled in corn rows that end in long braids off his back. He wears a one-piece orange and white jump-suit as he floats in mid-air.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Tue, 09 Nov 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/45/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Emissary - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/46/ A pencil sketch of a man sitting cross-legged with his feet pulled up to his hips in a manner similar to a yoga pose. He wears a short-sleeved leotard with a wide-scooped neckline, and within that space a large amulet hangs from a chain. Some sort of device is wrapped around his right ear.

A pencil sketch of a man sitting cross-legged with his feet pulled up to his hips in a manner similar to a yoga pose. He wears a short-sleeved leotard with a wide-scooped neckline, and within that space a large amulet hangs from a chain. Some sort of device is wrapped around his right ear.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Tue, 16 Nov 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/46/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Emissary - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/47/ An ink outline of a man sitting cross-legged with his feet pulled up to his hips in a manner similar to a yoga pose. He wears a short-sleeved leotard with a wide-scooped neckline, and within that space a large amulet hangs from a chain. Some sort of device is wrapped around his right ear.

An ink outline of a man sitting cross-legged with his feet pulled up to his hips in a manner similar to a yoga pose. He wears a short-sleeved leotard with a wide-scooped neckline, and within that space a large amulet hangs from a chain. Some sort of device is wrapped around his right ear.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Tue, 23 Nov 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/47/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Emissary - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/48/ A pale man sitting cross-legged with his feet pulled up to his hips in a manner similar to a yoga pose. He wears a short-sleeved sliver leotard with a wide-scooped neckline, and within that space a large dark chrome amulet hangs from a chain. Some sort of device is wrapped around his right ear.

A pale man sitting cross-legged with his feet pulled up to his hips in a manner similar to a yoga pose. He wears a short-sleeved sliver leotard with a wide-scooped neckline, and within that space a large dark chrome amulet hangs from a chain. Some sort of device is wrapped around his right ear.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2021/48/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Universal Human-Machine Interface - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/01/ A pencil sketch of a person in a jumpsuit wearing a device wrapped around the ear. The device is projecting holographic images of books in mid-air which respond to the waving of the person’s hands.

A pencil sketch of a person in a jumpsuit wearing a device wrapped around the ear. The device is projecting holographic images of books in mid-air which respond to the waving of the person’s hands.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/01/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Universal Human-Machine Interface - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/02/ An ink outline of a person in a jumpsuit wearing a device wrapped around the ear. The device is projecting holographic images of a graphic user interface and books in mid-air which respond to the waving of the person’s hands.

An ink outline of a person in a jumpsuit wearing a device wrapped around the ear. The device is projecting holographic images of a graphic user interface and books in mid-air which respond to the waving of the person’s hands.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 08 Jan 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/02/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Universal Human-Machine Interface - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/03/ A person in slicked-forward sliver hair, charcoal-grey lips, smoky eye makeup, and a navy jumpsuit, wearing a device wrapped around the ear. The device is projecting holographic images of a graphic user interface and books in mid-air which respond to the waving of the person’s hands.

A person in slicked-forward sliver hair, charcoal-grey lips, smoky eye makeup, and a navy jumpsuit, wearing a device wrapped around the ear. The device is projecting holographic images of a graphic user interface and books in mid-air which respond to the waving of the person’s hands.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 15 Jan 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/03/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Cloak - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/04/ A pencil sketch of a voluminous fluttering cloak with a large popped collar.

A pencil sketch of a voluminous fluttering cloak with a large popped collar.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 22 Jan 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/04/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Cloak - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/05/ An ink outline of a voluminous fluttering cloak with a large popped collar and a clasp engraved with an abstract feather.

An ink outline of a voluminous fluttering cloak with a large popped collar and a clasp engraved with an abstract feather.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 29 Jan 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/05/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Cloak - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/06/ A voluminous fluttering purple cloak lined in emerald green, with a large popped collar and a golden oval clasp set with a pink gem carved into the shape of an abstract feather.

A voluminous fluttering purple cloak lined in emerald green, with a large popped collar and a golden oval clasp set with a pink gem carved into the shape of an abstract feather.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 05 Feb 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/06/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Gel Weapons - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/07/ A pencil sketch of a futuristic stubby pistol and a longer rifle of a similar design, both of which use vials of gel and liquid as their ammunition and its payload.

A pencil sketch of a futuristic stubby pistol and a longer rifle of a similar design, both of which use vials of gel and liquid as their ammunition and its payload.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 12 Feb 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/07/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Gel Weapons - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/08/ An ink outline of a futuristic stubby pistol and a longer rifle of a similar design, both of which use vials of gel and liquid as their ammunition and its payload. Two replacement vials stand upright nearby.

An ink outline of a futuristic stubby pistol and a longer rifle of a similar design, both of which use vials of gel and liquid as their ammunition and its payload. Two replacement vials stand upright nearby.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 19 Feb 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/08/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Gel Weapons - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/09/ A futuristic stubby pistol and a longer rifle of a similar design, crafted from a grey metal and a blue alloy. Both of use clear vials of a crimson gel and a golden liquid as their ammunition and its payload. Two replacement vials stand upright nearby.

A futuristic stubby pistol and a longer rifle of a similar design, crafted from a grey metal and a blue alloy. Both of use clear vials of a crimson gel and a golden liquid as their ammunition and its payload. Two replacement vials stand upright nearby.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 26 Feb 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/09/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Airship Mechanic - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/10/ A pencil sketch of a leaping woman whose long braids poke out from under a leather cap with goggles. She wears fingerless gloves; metal-tipped boots; a work shirt, work vest, and trousers; and a belt full of pouches.

A pencil sketch of a leaping woman whose long braids poke out from under a leather cap with goggles. She wears fingerless gloves; metal-tipped boots; a work shirt, work vest, and trousers; and a belt full of pouches.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 05 Mar 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/10/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Airship Mechanic - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/11/ An ink outline of a leaping woman whose long braids poke out from under a leather cap with goggles. She wears fingerless gloves; metal-tipped boots; a work shirt, work vest, and trousers; and a belt full of pouches.

An ink outline of a leaping woman whose long braids poke out from under a leather cap with goggles. She wears fingerless gloves; metal-tipped boots; a work shirt, work vest, and trousers; and a belt full of pouches.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 12 Mar 2022 00:00:00 -0600 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/11/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Airship Mechanic - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/12/ A leaping woman whose long brown braids poke out from under an olive and tan leather cap with brass goggles. She wears fingerless leather gloves; brass-tipped boots; an aquamarine work shirt, an olive and tan work vest and trousers; and a leather belt full of pouches.

A leaping woman whose long brown braids poke out from under an olive and tan leather cap with brass goggles. She wears fingerless leather gloves; brass-tipped boots; an aquamarine work shirt, an olive and tan work vest and trousers; and a leather belt full of pouches.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 19 Mar 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/12/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Dorf Box - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/13/ An ink outline of a small screen held in a box-like device on the end of a thick textured handle, topped with knobby protrusions.

An ink outline of a small screen held in a box-like device on the end of a thick textured handle, topped with knobby protrusions.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 26 Mar 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/13/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Dorf Box - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/14/ A small glowing green screen held in a dull grey box-like device on the end of a thick textured handle, topped with glowing green knobby protrusions.

A small glowing green screen held in a dull grey box-like device on the end of a thick textured handle, topped with glowing green knobby protrusions.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 02 Apr 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/14/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Sword - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/15/ A pencil sketch of a two-handed sword pointing upwards, with a horseshoe-shaped guard and bird-shaped pommel nut.

A pencil sketch of a two-handed sword pointing upwards, with a horseshoe-shaped guard and bird-shaped pommel nut.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 09 Apr 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/15/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Sword - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/16/ An ink outline of a sleek, simple two-handed sword with a guard and pommel that end in spheres, pointing upward. Behind it, the silhouettes of eight other swords fall away to both sides in an arc.

An ink outline of a sleek, simple two-handed sword with a guard and pommel that end in spheres, pointing upward. Behind it, the silhouettes of eight other swords fall away to both sides in an arc.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 16 Apr 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/16/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Sword - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/17/ A sleek, simple two-handed sword with a guard and pommel that end in spheres, pointing upward. It glows with a golden light Behind it, the glowing silhouettes of eight other swords fall away to both sides in an arc.

A sleek, simple two-handed sword with a guard and pommel that end in spheres, pointing upward. It glows with a golden light Behind it, the glowing silhouettes of eight other swords fall away to both sides in an arc.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 23 Apr 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/17/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Crystal Ship - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/18/ A pencil sketch of a vessel in the rough shape of a canoe or longboat seen head-on, floating in mid air. A pair of huge spiny fins rise up in the place of sails, and another such fin extends from the bottom. Elegant spikes radiate out from the sides.

A pencil sketch of a vessel in the rough shape of a canoe or longboat seen head-on, floating in mid air. A pair of huge spiny fins rise up in the place of sails, and another such fin extends from the bottom. Elegant spikes radiate out from the sides.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 30 Apr 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/18/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Crystal Ship - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/19/ An ink outline of a longboat-like vessel floating in mid air, seen head-on. A pair of large graceful fins rise up in the place of sails, and another such fin extends from the bottom. Elegant spikes radiate out from the sides, and delicate tendrils unfurl in all directions.

An ink outline of a longboat-like vessel floating in mid air, seen head-on. A pair of large graceful fins rise up in the place of sails, and another such fin extends from the bottom. Elegant spikes radiate out from the sides, and delicate tendrils unfurl in all directions.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 07 May 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/19/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
The Crystal Ship - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/20/ A longboat-like vessel floating in mid air, seen head-on. A pair of large graceful fins rise up in the place of sails, and another such fin extends from the bottom. Elegant spikes radiate out from the sides, and delicate tendrils unfurl in all directions.

A longboat-like vessel floating in mid air, seen head-on. A pair of large graceful fins rise up in the place of sails, and another such fin extends from the bottom. Elegant spikes radiate out from the sides, and delicate tendrils unfurl in all directions.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 14 May 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/20/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Calvin Meddler - Sketch https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/21/ A pair of overlapping pencil sketches of a chubby man wearing a large flapping coat while flying through the air.

A pair of overlapping pencil sketches of a chubby man wearing a large flapping coat while flying through the air.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 21 May 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/21/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Calvin Meddler - Ink https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/22/ An ink outline of a chubby man wearing a large flapping coat while flying through the air.

An ink outline of a chubby man wearing a large flapping coat while flying through the air.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 28 May 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/22/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building
Calvin Meddler - Color https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/23/ A chubby man with unkept hair and a three-day blond beard, wearing a large flapping tan coat, flying through the air.

A chubby man with unkept hair and a three-day blond beard, wearing a large flapping tan coat, flying through the air.

tenthousandworlds@use.startmail.com (Rodolfo Arredondo) Sat, 04 Jun 2022 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.tenthousandworlds.org/world-building/2022/23/ Ten Thousand Worlds - World Building